About: The Table Guy Singapore

Built by a user, for users.
Here are 3 things we believe at The Table Guy Singapore:
1. “The question of what you want to own is actually the question of how you want to live your life.” - We didn't say it, Marie did. And we want to live beautiful, full lives.
Whether you're resting at home, dining at a restaurant or being productive at work, your table is the canvas where every key memory is made. We choose to write the chapters of our lives on a canvas as unique as each individual's path.
2. Life's too short to waste time tiptoeing. Is there anything less enjoyable than spending hard-earned money on something precious, only to spend the next 10 years panicking every time your takeaway coffee cup leaks?
We make tables that are meant to be enjoyed in real, daily life. We want you to start the day with a cup of coffee you don't have to worry about spilling, have that hotpot gathering without chasing every chilli oil drip like a mad person, and enjoy school holidays without chewing your nails off every time a crayon wanders off the page.
Our tables aren't indestructible - nothing in life is - but they are infinitely repairable. And we'll show you how.
3. Durable is sustainable. Solid wood is a scarce, natural resource, and it's our responsibility to use it sustainably. Destroying our ecosystem and overloading landfills with fast furniture is a shortsighted way to live, surely we can all do better!
We make furniture that is structurally durable, and more importantly, restorable. Nothing stays new forever, so we invest in materials that can be repurposed, repaired and renewed. Whether you want to pass your investment down to future generations, re-home it in the circular economy or give it new life in an alternative purpose, solid wood keeps your options open.
Plus, it's cheaper.
Ready to find the perfect wood slab table? Click here.
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